Maple Syrup Grades

Quebec, known for its rich maple syrup production, offers a range of grades that vary in flavor, color, and intensity. The grading system helps consumers choose syrup that suits their preferences. The main maple syrup grades in Quebec include Golden, Amber, Dark, and Very Dark.


Golden maple syrup, also known as Canada Golden, boasts a delicate and mild flavor. It features a light color, often resembling pale straw or champagne. This grade is highly sought after for its subtle sweetness and versatile use in culinary applications such as drizzling over pancakes or incorporating into dressings.

Amber maple syrup possesses a more pronounced flavor profile compared to Golden. It exhibits a slightly darker hue, ranging from light amber to medium amber. With its balanced sweetness and distinct maple taste, Amber syrup is popular for a variety of uses, including baking, glazes, and marinades.

Dark maple syrup offers a robust flavor with stronger caramelized notes. It showcases a deeper amber color, ranging from medium amber to dark amber. Dark syrup adds depth and complexity to dishes, making it a favored choice for flavoring sauces, desserts, and savory recipes.

Very Dark maple syrup, also known as Strong Taste, features the strongest and most intense flavor among the grades. It possesses a deep and robust caramelized flavor, accompanied by a dark brown color. This grade imparts a rich maple essence, making it ideal for bold recipes and culinary creations.

It's important to note that while the grades indicate flavor intensity, they do not signify quality. All grades meet the same quality standards set by the industry. The variation in flavor and color arises from factors such as the timing of sap collection during the sugaring season.

Whether you prefer a subtle and delicate taste or a bolder and more intense maple flavor, Quebec's maple syrup grades offer a diverse range of options to satisfy every palate and culinary preference.